Apollo and Ziggy Marley From The Notorious Nine Litter, Playdate from Alpha N Omega Dalmatians on Vimeo.

AKC’s Guide to Responsible Dog Breeding





Dalmatian Links

Maize with the Mills Family Twins


Important for The Dalmatian Puppy’s Development:



Dalmatians MUST be SOCIALIZED often as puppies...


Given lots of time to run and play...




EARLY Group Puppy Training

And / Or

Individualized Puppy Training


Dalmatian Links

Dalmatians Low Purine Levels:


High protein foods generally (not always)  are also high purine foods. To check on

protein content go here:



We recommend not giving a high purine PUPPY FOOD to Dalmatian puppies after 12 to 16 weeks, however some will say to give a high purine PUPPY FOOD to ALL puppies for the first year.


In other words,  we give a puppy food upto only a few months old, around 12 to 16 weeks, then we goto a Low Purine ADULT Dalmatian Food.


We like:

Blue Seal Krunchies (Low Purine source, Corn) and Royal Canin Dalmatian Foods








Veterinarian script is needed for this Food

Dalmatian Diet Needs:

Dalmatians Require a LOW Purine diet and Dog Foods LOW in Purines



Boiled hardboiled eggs, Dried Sweet Potato Fries, Carrots, Low Fat String Cheese, Cottage Cheese




The Dalmatian Club of America




 The Dalmatian Club of America
Purine-Yielding Foods

Foods HIGHEST in Purines:


kidney, beef
game meats (venison, etc.)
herring (including roe)
liver (calf or beef)
meat extracts

Foods MODERATELY HIGH in Purines:


breads & cereals, whole grain
fish (fresh & saltwater)
legumes (kidney beans, navy & lima beans, lentils, peas)
meat (beef, lamb, pork, veal)
meat soups & broths

peas, green
pork (including ham)
poultry (chicken, duck, turkey)
shellfish (crab, lobster, oysters)
wheat germ & bran

Foods LOWEST in Purines:


beverages (coffee, tea, sodas, cocoa)
bread & cereal (except whole grain)
fish roe (including caviar)
fruits & fruit juices
milk (including butter, condensed, malted)
nuts (including peanut butter)
pasta (evaluate sauce ingredients separately)
sugars, syrups, sweets
vegetables (except those listed in previous catagories)
vegetable & cream soups (made with acceptable vegetables. but not with beef stock)









Bladder Stones:



Bladder stones such as Uric acid affect certain breeds of dog such as the Dalmatian much more commonly than other breeds. The Dalmation is uniquely predisposed to stone formation because of an equally unique liver and kidney biochemistry. In addition to genetic factors there are also dietary and unknown factors that affect Dalmations and make them more at risk of this condition.


The average age at which a Dalmation is diagnosed with the disease is around 4.5 years, and males tend to be more frequently affected than females.


It all starts with a biochemical called a purine. There are three types of purines, all of which are found in the diet, as well as in some drugs. They are converted in the liver into something called allantoin, (via a complex pathway), which is water soluble and excreted in the urine. However, in the Dalmation this pathway of making the purines water soluble often doesn’t work correctly. Dalmatians just cannot seem to convert uric acid to allantoin and hence get rid of it in the urine. Dalmatian liver cells simply cannot absorb uric acid, which is where the conversion to allantoin ought to take place. Instead they must excrete uric acid in their urine without this last conversion, and the problem is that it is just is not very water soluble and results in the formation of uric acid stones.


The aim for dogs affected by uric acid stones is to offer a low purine diet that keeps the urine at an alkaline pH. An ideal diet for Dalmatians is one that's low in purines , moderate in high-quality proteins and high in complex carbohydrates and fruits, and low-purine vegetables help rid the body of extra uric acid. It should also be low in fat (fat holds onto uric acid in the kidneys) and low in unnecessary fillers and low in salt. This ideal dietary balance helps to promote an alkaline urine and keeps uric acid in check. Organ meats are especially high in purine – so avoid these.


Canned food is felt to be superior to kibbled as feeding canned food adds water to the diet (and ultimately to the urine) which helps dilute the uric acid.The following foods are considered virtually purine-free and can be used as treats for stone-forming dogs: Whole-grain cereals (as long as they do not contain yeast), butter, cheese, Eggs, Fruits and Milk. Avoid vitamin C and Brewers Yeast supplements as these can cause acidification of the urine.


Note that a low-purine diet is not appropriate for puppies.


A medication called allopurinol is used to help dissolve as well as to prevent stone formation after the stones have been removed. This medication is important in uric acid stone management.


A similar condition in humans is gout. This is where uric crystals precipitate in the delicate membranes of joints, causing arthritis pain- this does not appear to happen in dogs. 

Dalmatian Links

Can Spray into Food and Water. Herbal Remedies. Spray on Fur, Skin

Dalmatian Shampoo Suggestions:

  • Oatmeal conditioner
  • Paws and Pals Oatmeal Shampoo
  • Nature's Miracle Oatmeal Shampoo

Dalmatian Diet Benefits of Turmeric:

Specific Findings on Turmeric for Animals

More Specifics on Turmeric

The main active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, but to date, at least 235 compounds, primarily phenolic compounds and terpenoids have been identified from the species, including 22 diarylheptanoids and diarylpentanoids, eight phenylpropene and other phenolic compounds, 68 monoterpenes, 109 sesquiterpenes, five diterpenes, three triterpenoids, four sterols, two alkaloids, and 14 other compounds. Curcuminoids (diarylheptanoids) and essential oils are major bioactive ingredients showing various bioactivities in in vitro and in vivo bioassays. Curcuminoids in turmeric are primarily accumulated in rhizomes. The essential oils from leaves and flowers are usually dominated by monoterpenes while those from roots and rhizomes primarily contained sesquiterpenes. (see #1 Reference below)

Curcumin, like the other carotenoids etc. in turmeric is soluble in fats, oils, lipids, alcohol, short chain fatty acids like acetic, butyric but not water, and so for digestion it must be in contact with any of the above so that the complex is absorbed through the intestine. Fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K are also only absorbed in oils etc. Water soluble vitamin complexes are B and C.

The metabolism and absorption of all of these is best when all the associated complementary compounds are together in what we call a whole food.

Piperine, the compound in ground black pepper, and is responsible for its pungent smell and taste, is fairly necessary for the metabolism of curcumin because it considerably slows its excretion (also other drugs) and prolongs the positive metabolic effect.

PLEASE NOTE: Absorption and length of activity of curcumin are the limiting factors for attaining a desired effect.


Cod Liver Oil: Super food for Dalmatians:

Cod liver oil sustains brain health and supports the immune system. It also helps our cats and dogs look good, too, nourishing their coats to a gloss that radiates optimum health.


Dr. Ian Billinghurst, author of the The BARF Diet says…

“Cod liver oil is the one daily (or weekly in the case of very small pets) supplement I recommend  above all else for the vast majority of pets.  My strongest advice is if you supplement with nothing else, you always supplement with fresh cod liver oil.  Perfect for both cats  and dogs.”


There’s something intuitive about treating our own stiff joints with oil, and science long ago proved our hunch was on-track. The health value of ingesting cod liver oil with its essential fatty acidsEPA and DHA is well supported by research. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids shown to reduce inflammation and strengthen bones and joints. Lucky for us, they are found preformed in fish oil.


When we see our beloved pet struggling to climb stairs or jump into the car, we can reach for cod liver oil to help them, too. But we needn’t wait until their mobility suffers. Young animals benefit from cod liver oil’s fatty acids and omega 3s. In fact, they provide the foundation for flexible joints, a strong heart, good eyesight, healthy skin and coat–and just plain energy. When age does catch up with our dog, veterinarians now commonly suggest a cod liver oil supplement.






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Dalmatian Links

Provides wonderful information on our beloved breed.


Dalmatian Club of America







Dalmatian Puppy Chew Toys, Low Purine Bone:

Dalmatian Links

The Greater New York Dalmatian Club

The Dalmatian Club of Greater New York is one of about 35 regional clubs affiliated with the Dalmatian Club of America.Our purpose is to encourage and promote the Dalmatian breed and to do all that is possible to bring their natural personalities to perfection; urging members to accept the Standard of the Breed, as approved by the American Kennel Club, and to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, obedience trials and special events.

The American Kennel Club
The AKC is a national dog registry. The website provides a wealth of information on the sport of purebred dogs, canine health advancement, and responsible dog ownership.
The American Kennel Club
The Orthopedic Foundation For Animals
The OFA is a non-profit organization that gives information concerning orthopedic and genetic disease of animals
OFA Website
Canine Good Citizen
Canine Good Citizen is a certification program that is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community.
Canine Good Citizen
Westminster Kennel Club
The official site of the Westminster Kennel Club dog show featuring news, events, dog shows, pictures, videos, records.
Westminster Kennel Club

Dalmatian History

If you are considering purchasing a Dalmatian puppy:



There is no "O" in Dalmatian and there is no evidence that the breed originated in Dalmatia! This statement just serves to illustrate how much is unknown about the Dalmatian's origin. We do know that it is a very old breed, having come through many centuries virtually unchanged. Spotted dogs have appeared in Europe, Asia, and Africa. They have been found painted on walls of tombs running behind Egyptian chariots and mentioned in letters written in the mid-1500s from a poet named Jurij Dalmatin to a Bohemian duchess. A fresco in the Spanish Chapel of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Italy painted around 1360 shows a spotted dog of the Dalmatian type. The Dominican order of friars who support this church wear white habits with black overcapes. The church came to be represented symbolically in the art of the day by a black and white dog, particularly during the time of the Inquisition, which was overseen by the order of the Dominicans. Is it too much of a stretch to think that Dominican could become Dalmatian and thus the name of the dog? Spotted dogs frequently accompanied bands of Romany people, or gypsies, as they wandered from India throughout Europe and on to England. Could that be how some Dalmatians acquired the talent for stealing and hiding treats and toys, still prevalent in some members of the breed to this day? Or was there another religious connection to the breed's name? Priests wear a vestment, a tunic-type garment with sleeves, which has come to be called a Dalmatic, because early ones were made of the wool from sheep from the mountains of Dalmatia. As the church's power increased in the world, the Dalmatic became more ornate and later ones from the time can be seen at the Vatican on display that are made of ermine - a white fur with black flecks or spots through it. All deacons and officiating bishops in the western Catholic church wear the Dalmatic, as do the kings and queens of England upon their coronation. And it is the English that have given him a miriad of nicknames - the English Coach Dog, the Carriage Dog, the Plum Pudding Dog, the Fire House Dog, the Spotted Dick - though the breed has been credited with a dozen nationalities and as many native names.

The duties the Dalmatian has performed are as varied as his reputed ancestors. He has been a dog of war, a sentinnel on the borders of Dalmatia and Coratia. He has been employed as a draft dog and as a shepherd. He is excellent on rats and vermin. He is well-known for his heroic performances as a fire-apparatus follower and as a firehouse mascot. As a sporting dog he has been used as a bird dog, a trail hound, a retriever and in packs for boar and stag hunting. His retentive memory has made him one of the most dependable performers in circuses and on the stage. Down through the years, his intelligence and willingness have qualified him for virtually every role that useful dogs are called upon to perform.

But most important among his talents has been his status as the original, one and only coaching dog. There is no end of proof, centuries old, among history that shows the Dalmatian, early ones with ears entirely cropped away and wearing padlocked or brass-studded collars, plying his trade as follower and guardian of the horse-drawn vehicle. His affinity for horses remains a basic instinct to this day and it is fascinating indeed to watch an adolescent fall in behind a horse and cart in perfect position or trot just beside the shoulder of a horse upon his initial introduction, as if he had been doing it all his life, which, of course, his ancestors have! He is physically fitted for road work; speed and endurance blended perfectly in his make-up. His gait has beauty of motion and swiftness and he has the strength, vitality and fortitude to keep going gaily until journey's end. There is no dog more picturesques than this spotted fellow with his slick white coat gaily decorated with clearly defined round spots of jet black or deep brown (in the liver variety). He does not look like any other breed, for his markings are peculiarly his own. The Dalmatian is first of all a gentleman, a quiet chap and the ideal guard dog, distinguishing nicely between barkings for fun or with purpose. He is sensible, dependable and courteous toward strangers, but he is not everyone's dog - he has a fine sense of distinction as to whom he belongs. He is all ready for sport or the show ring just as nature made him, requiring no cropping, docking, stripping or artifices of any sort. His flashy spottings are the culmination of ages of careful breeding. At birth, however, the pigment is only in the skin and the hair is pure white, the color having to grow into the hair and begins to appear at about two weeks of age. The first Dalmatian was registered with the American Kennel Club in 1888 and the breed's parent club, the Dalmatian Club of America, was founded in 1905.


The only spotted breed, the Dalmatian is alert and active, possessing great endurance, speed and intelligence. Their working and sporting heritage makes them suitable as both a family pet or performance animal, and they are often found in the show, obedience and agility rings, or galloping alongside a horse as a coach dog in "road trials." Their short coat is white with black or liver (brown) spots.

A Look Back
Spotted dogs have appeared throughout history in Europe, Asia, and Africa, credited with a dozen nationalities and as many native names. The dog we know today as the Dalmatian has been a dog of war, a draft dog, shepherd, ratter, fire-apparatus follower, firehouse mascot, bird dog, trail hound and retriever. Most importantly, he is the original and only coaching dog. His affinity for horses remains a basic instinct to this day and the breed is a natural follower and guardian of the horse-drawn vehicle.

Right Breed for You?
The fun-loving, people-oriented Dalmatian thrives in a family environment. They are a high-energy breed and require daily exercise on leash or within a fenced area. The breed's short coat sheds almost year round, but regular brushing helps minimize the shedding.


  • Non-Sporting Group; AKC recognized in 1888.
  • Ranging in size from 19 to 23 inches tall at the shoulder.
  • Coach dog; guardian.

© The American Kennel Club, Inc.

Dalmatian Breed Standard

Non-Sporting Group

General Appearance
The Dalmatian is a distinctively spotted dog; poised and alert; strong, muscular and active; free of shyness; intelligent in expression; symmetrical in outline; and without exaggeration or coarseness. The Dalmatian is capable of great endurance, combined with fair amount of speed. Deviations from the described ideal should be penalized in direct proportion to the degree of the deviation.

Size, Proportion, Substance
Desirable height at the withers is between 19 and 23 inches. Undersize or oversize is a fault. Any dog or bitch over 24 inches at the withers is disqualified. The overall length of the body from the forechest to the buttocks is approximately equal to the height at the withers. The Dalmatian has good substance and is strong and sturdy in bone, but never coarse.

The head is in balance with the overall dog. It is of fair length and is free of loose skin. The Dalmatian's expression is alert and intelligent, indicating a stable and outgoing temperament. The eyes are set moderately well apart, are medium sized and somewhat rounded in appearance, and are set well into the skull. Eye color is brown or blue, or any combination thereof; the darker the better and usually darker in black-spotted than in liver-spotted dogs. Abnormal position of the eyelids or eyelashes (ectropion, entropion, trichiasis) is a major fault. Incomplete pigmentation of the eye rims is a major fault. The ears are of moderate size, proportionately wide at the base and gradually tapering to a rounded tip. They are set rather high, and are carried close to the head, and are thin and fine in texture. When the Dalmatian is alert, the top of the ear is level with the top of the skull and the tip of the ear reaches to the bottom line of the cheek. The top of the skull is flat with a slight vertical furrow and is approximately as wide as it is long. The stop is moderately well defined. The cheeks blend smoothly into a powerful muzzle, the top of which is level and parallel to the top of the skull. The muzzle and the top of the skull are about equal in length. The nose is completely pigmented on the leather, black in black-spotted dogs and brown in liver-spotted dogs. Incomplete nose pigmentation is a major fault. The lips are clean and close fitting. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. Overshot or undershot bites are disqualifications.

Neck, Topline, Body
The neck is nicely arched, fairly long, free from throatiness, and blends smoothly into the shoulders. The topline is smooth. The chest is deep, capacious and of moderate width, having good spring of rib without being barrel shaped. The brisket reaches to the elbow. The underline of the rib cage curves gradually into a moderate tuck-up. The back is level and strong. The loin is short, muscular and slightly arched. The flanks narrow through the loin. The croup is nearly level with the back. The tail is a natural extension of the topline. It is not inserted too low down. It is strong at the insertion and tapers to the tip, which reaches to the hock. It is never docked. The tail is carried with a slight upward curve but should never curl over the back. Ring tails and low-set tails are faults.

The shoulders are smoothly muscled and well laid back. The upper arm is approximately equal in length to the shoulder blade and joins it at an angle sufficient to insure that the foot falls under the shoulder. The elbows are close to the body. The legs are straight, strong and sturdy in bone. There is a slight angle at the pastern denoting flexibility.

The hindquarters are powerful, having smooth, yet well defined muscles. The stifle is well bent. The hocks are well let down. When the Dalmatian is standing, the hind legs, viewed from the rear, are parallel to each other from the point of the hock to the heel of the pad. Cowhocks are a major fault.

Feet are very important. Both front and rear feet are round and compact with thick, elastic pads and well arched toes. Flat feet are a major fault. Toenails are black and/or white in black- spotted dogs and brown and/or white in liver- spotted dogs. Dewclaws may be removed.

The coat is short, dense, fine and close fitting. It is neither woolly nor silky. It is sleek, glossy and healthy in appearance.

Color and Markings
Color and markings and their overall appearance are very important points to be evaluated. The ground color is pure white. In black-spotted dogs the spots are dense black. In liver-spotted dogs the spots are liver brown. Any color markings other than black or liver are disqualified. Spots are round and well-defined, the more distinct the better. They vary from the size of a dime to the size of a half-dollar. They are pleasingly and evenly distributed. The less the spots intermingle the better. Spots are usually smaller on the head, legs and tail than on the body. Ears are preferably spotted. Tri-color(which occurs rarely in this breed) is a disqualification. It consists of tan markings found on the head, neck, chest, leg or tail of a black- or liver-spotted dog. Bronzing of black spots, and fading and/or darkening of liver spots due to environmental conditions or normal processes of coat change are not tri-coloration. Patches are a disqualification. A patch is a solid mass of black or liver hair containing no white hair. It is appreciably larger than a normal sized spot. Patches are a dense, brilliant color with sharply defined, smooth edges. Patches are present at birth. Large color masses formed by intermingled or overlapping spots are not patches. Such masses should indicate individual spots by uneven edges and/or white hairs scattered throughout the mass.

In keeping with the Dalmatian's historical use as a coach dog, gait and endurance are of great importance. Movement is steady and effortless. Balanced angulation fore and aft combined with powerful muscles and good condition produce smooth, efficient action. There is a powerful drive from the rear coordinated with extended reach in the front. The topline remains level. Elbows, hocks and feet turn neither in nor out. As the speed of the trot increases, there is a tendency to single track.

Temperament is stable and outgoing, yet dignified. Shyness is a major fault.

Scale of Points

General Appearance 5
Size, proportion, substance 10
Head 10
Neck, topline, body 10
Forequarters 5
Hindquarters 5
Feet 5
Coat 5
Color and markings 25
Gait 10
Temperament 10
Total 100

Any dog or bitch over 24 inches at the withers
Overshot or undershot bite.
Any color markings other than black or liver.

Approved July 11, 1989
Effective September 6, 1989

Colors and Markings


Below is a list of the colors and markings available for this breed. Please refer to the
breed standard for descriptions and the difference in types.

Description: The name of the color and/or markings.

Type: Standard or alternate. This is the classification of the color for show purposes. Please refer to the
breed standard for specifics regarding this breed.

Code: This is the code entered on an application for registration of a dog.
Description Type Code
White & Black S 202
White & Liver Brown S 280
White & Lemon A 211
White & Orange A 213
White Black & Tan A 219
White, Liver & Tan A 443
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